Friday, April 20, 2012

A Lesson in Pay Scale

I once spent four days-not consecutive-with the same seventh grade students. The students became accustomed to me and I grew fond of most of them. When I was subbing for their social studies teacher, a student asked me if I got paid to be a substitute teacher. I said yes. The next questions was how much. I thought this was an excellent opportunity to demonstrate to the students how education plays a role in a person's salary. I told the class I get paid X amount for one day. They were blown away. They started talking about how much candy they could buy with my one day salary. I went on to explain I get paid based on my education and teacher certificate. I told the class if I only had a high school diploma I would only be paid X amount per day. I'm not sure how many heard my explanation of the substitute pay scale based on education. I think most were dreaming about how much candy they could buy from the Dollar Tree.

Seize every teachable moment, you never know who it will affect and how it will shape their life.


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