Friday, April 13, 2012

Three Days in the Sixth Grade: "Oh, connections."

I have now reached day two in my three day adventure in the sixth grade story. The team I was subbing on has a co-teacher. She helps with third and fourth period. During a break between classes all of four us were standing in the hallway having a conversation. The co-teacher turns to me and asked what subject am I certified in. I tell I am certified in Family and Consumer Sciences. Her response, "Oh, connections."

Oh, connections?

For those who do not know what Family and Consumer Science is all about let me tell you. First, it is a subject taught in schools by a certified teacher who earned a 4-year college degree. Second, it is a class focused on teaching students about life lessons such as proper nutrition, correct cooking techniques, healthy relationships, growth and development of children, financial responsibility and career readiness. Third, the club, FCCLA (Family, Career, Community Leaders of America) teaches young people how to be socially responsible, career focused, and be a volunteer/leader in the community.

FACS might be listed on a school page as a "connections" class, but its value is no less nor greater than that of a math, science, language arts or social studies class. All classes are important for a child's education.



  1. Guhhh classroom teachers sometimes seem to do their best to belittle us. I'm certified in English, but even I get this kind of "Oh. It's you." reaction on occasion. I once sat at a lunch table where teachers talked about how grad students don't really know anything because they have never taught before. I finished graduate school in 2011.

    I don't know where you live, but Newton County in Georgia currently has THREE FACS openings, if you're interested!

    1. Thank you. It is good to know I am not the only person dealing with those type of reactions from other teachers.

      Also, I am aware of the FACS positions in Newton County. However, I do not live in or near that county. I have applied for a FACS position in a county near my home. Thank you for looking out for me. =)

