Thursday, May 10, 2012

Oooh...I guess....

I wanted to start this blog in part to vent about misconceptions people have about subbing. This is a relatively minor one, but it is one I get a lot.

A lot of times I get calls from weary substitute coordinators and/or teachers asking me if I’d be “willing” to sub in an unconventional class. I don’t understand their worries, because I either a) don’t mind the change of pace or b) happen to know their class is the easiest to manage. This is a list of classes that are easiest to sub for, in no particular order.

1)      Video Broadcast Production/ High School Journalism- These kids are on autopilot and rarely notice I’m even there.
2)      Architecture and Engineering- As long as I am not put in charge of running the power tools, it’s all cool. It’s amazing how easy it is to work with a class that wants to be there and isn’t forced to sit quietly and listen to me.
3)      The Media Center- Why do you even need a sub in there? It’s boring as heck, but really easy.
4)      Resource/ Special Ed Classes- As is probably the case with education in general, the kids in these classes get an unfairly bad rap. The stereotypes and judgments have gotten a little better, but they still hold on. You do get some troublesome classes, but having fewer students makes troublesome so much easier to deal with. In my experience, though, resource classes  have been some of the easiest going and agreeable. Yes, there are students who give me trouble, and I’m sure they’re hard to teach but no more so than kids in other classes.
5)      Band- Most band classes I have seen in middle and high school have two conductors which means having a sub fill in for one is just a technicality, and if they don’t have another conductor to run the class, there’s always a video.
6)      ISS (In-School Suspension)- I hesitate to put this one on the list, but in the school I have subbed in most, it is the only class in which I get a real break. When I am subbing in other classes, I receive notes saying I am required to go help in ISS on my breaks. Funnily enough, when I sub in ISS, only one of the multiple subs in the building comes to help me on his breaks.  Huh…

So, yes I’d be willing to sub for you in any of these positions, but I will still pretend to be worried about it if you call.


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