It's been a long time since Kelli and I have posted on this blog. Kelli has a good excuse, she's recently got married and she's working on her Master's. I'm still trying to figure out what career I want to pursue when I grow up. Which I may have stumbled upon it thanks to a long term sub position I had for one month.
I was the long term sub in a special education classroom. During the experience I told myself and others I would never want to work in the special education arena because I did not believe I was capable of working with children in the special education program, or dealing with the paperwork, the liability, and the parents. Ha-ha-ha on me, because when that long term position ended I was shifted to a long term position in a regular education classroom.
Almost every day I say I will quit, or I want to quit. I have learned I do not work well with regular education students. Or maybe it's just the students I have because if you knew what I have experienced in the past month with these students, you may be more sympathetic to my case. After two to three weeks with these regular ed students I signed my butt up for the special education GACE (Georgia Assessment for Certified Educators).
I never thought I would want to work in special education, but I have learned through experience most, not all, children in the special education program have respect for adults, sit quietly in their seats, are almost always on task, and never make me want to go home and drink a whole bottle of wine.